Trinity is a diverse faithful community united in the love and mission of God in Jesus Christ. We value vibrant worship, active prayer, full-person learning and leadership, blessing our neighbors, and opening our hearts to all of God's people. We are far from perfect, stand on grace, and, like all, are very much works in progress with our Creator. Our hope is that you will experience the loving, liberating, and life-giving love of God in Christ Jesus.
Parish Pool Party and Picnic
Worship Ministry Schedule
This Week at Trinity Baytown
September 7: Parish Picnic, 4pm - 7pm, at Camille Wilson's home
September 8: Construction schedule only one service at 10am, Holy Eucharist with piano, in person/online with Facebook Live. Worship bulletin Here. Pot Luck and Ministry Fair after worship. Youth Group paused until September 15.
September 10: 9am, Morning Prayer, online via Zoom, only. Contact Deacon Micki for sign in information
September 11: Noon, Lunch & Learn, in person. 6:15pm Evening Prayer/Healing Service, in person only
September 6: Bible study, will return September 27th