
Trinity is a diverse faithful community united in the love and mission of God in Jesus Christ. We value vibrant worship, active prayer, full-person learning and leadership, blessing our neighbors, and opening our hearts to all of God's people. We are far from perfect, stand on grace, and, like all, are very much works in progress with our Creator. Our hope is that you will experience the loving, liberating, and life-giving love of God in Christ Jesus.


Join Us for Lent 2025

Worship Ministry Schedule

This Week at Trinity Baytown

February 23: 10am worship Holy Eucharist with piano, choir, and praise band in person/online with Facebook Live. Worship bulletin HERE. after service, introduction to Invite, Welcome, Connect ministry.  Financial Peace University 9 week series starts, noon - 1:30pm, includes lunch.

February 25: 9am, Morning Prayer, online via Zoom Trinity Dinner Group, 6pm, Antonio's on Baker Rd

February 26: 12 noon, Lunch and Learn  6:15pm Evening Prayer, in person

February 28: 11am, Bible Study, online via Zoom

March 1: Financial Peace invites all to a Community Yard Sale, 9 - 12noon, 4507 Crescent Lake Circle

March 2: Breakfast Sunday

March 4: Shrove Tuesday, 6:15pm, Bishop Blessing and Renovation Celebration, Gumbo Potluck, and Festivities

March 5: Ash Wednesday, 2 services Holy Eucharist with Ashes, noon and 6:15pm, plus Ashes to Go 7am - 8:30am and 5 - 6pm in Trinity parking lot